
Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I used to use very useful and easy to use software, which is “Babylon”. It’s a translating tool that employs a great amount of dictionaries (or glossaries as it prefer to call them) to provide users with multiple meaning resources or choices. The dictionaries are so many, you can download as many as you want to use on your computer, or you can subscribe to them to find words meanings while you’re on-line.

One time, I was browsing those dictionaries on the Babylon website when I stumbled with a glossary called “Anagram”; which muddle up my eyebrows! I downloaded it to see what it does! When it was installed and ready to use, I clicked the word “download” to see what will this glossary give me, but I was surprised of the result; it was a single word, which is “woodland”, isn’t it funny!

I tried it on a couple of other word like: “abroad” was converted into “aboard”, “note” to “tone”, “dormitory” to “dirty room”, and a phrase like “television set” was converted into “see? It’s violent!” In a matter of fact, it was a fun glossary, it anagrammatize the word if possible. It doesn’t anagrammatize the word, for real! It looks for it if it has an anagram or not.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Few days ago, I watched the movie “Equilibrium”. It was a nice kung fu movie, and has new methods of fighting techniques.

The movie, in general, is about the future, where a third world war occurred. Humans, who survived, realized that mankind can never survive a forth. They discovered that the human’s emotions are a disease that symptoms are anger, rage, and war. Therefore, they found a cure to get rid of this disease, a cure that kills emotions. So, equilibrium among humans is the result of unemotional treatments. A life without the desire is an equilibrial life.

The movie doesn't end here of course; the men (and women) who are living in the underworld kept fighting for their freedom, for their natural instinct, and for the life of their emotions.

The movie’s concept is absolutely fictitious and a bit tough to understand like The Matrix, some people might not like it for this.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I’ve used to write late at night before I go to bed. The last night I didn’t write anything, I’m writing now at the early morning; I’ve just got up leaving the bed. I’m not going anywhere this morning, so I have enough time to write. But there’s a problem!

Didn’t you feel boring from the previous few lines?! I know I repeated some meanings uselessly, but I don’t know what to write. Actually, I can’t write now. I feel my brain is empty! Usually, I put all the words I want to talk about in a file, and then when I want to write, I pick one and start writing immediately. Now, I read all the words; and they are quite many, but can’t write any story. None of them inspired me nor remind me of there own story, although I wrote for some of them a reminder snippet.

I feel my self is boring now, and I’m sorry if I made feel boring, but I hope you’ll never forget the meaning of the word boring. And, comeback again, I promise I’ll not make you feel boring next time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I still remember a conversation between me and my cousin from more than three years ago. She was telling me that someone is a cheaper “laughingly”, then she asked me “Did you know what the meaning of cheaper is?”, “Yeah, of course!” I answered rabidly. In a matter of fact, I didn’t! But, at the same time, (if she’d read this!) I really understood her. It was the first time to hear this word, but it was easy to guess.

Days after this conversation, cheaper jumped to my mind, telling myself “Does it really mean what I guessed? I have to check for it in the dictionary”. But from that time to date, whenever a new dictionary, land in my hands, I look for this word just to figure, at last, that this word doesn’t exist in a dictionary, so don’t try to look for it. But if you still don’t get it, it means a stingy person.

And, by the way, my cousin is a native English speaker.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Winter’s on door in my country, it’s starting to be cold out-there. We used to change beds’ covers on winter to quilts for warmer and comforter sleep night.

Past time, in the old days, my mother used to make quilt from blanket as padding, covering it with very smooth fabric. Sound strange a bit, doesn’t it? Quilts, usually, are made from soft padding like woven cotton or wool, and have beautiful embroideries, but she has another idea about quilts.

As a matter of fact, those days weren’t the days of handmade quilts anymore; they were the days of readymade blankets. But washing a blanket is a very hard job; therefore, covering it with fabric will keep it from dirt, so, by this way she gets quilts. At the end of winter, she removes the covering fabrics off the blanket to wash it, therefore, she never embroider a quilt to keep removing the covers off an easy job.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Actually I didn’t want to talk about symmetric, the word was asymmetric. But because asymmetric is the opposite of symmetric, it had to be replaced on the title by the original word.

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL); almost everyone working on the internet know what ADSL is; the high speed of digital data transfer connection over an ordinary telephone line. But asymmetric; the annex A of ADSL, means something you may dislike. Actually, it means that the data transfer speed that are both incoming and outgoing are unequal (or uneven). So, the speed differs from downloading to uploading, but if you’re just an ordinary internet user, who probably download but never thought what does upload mean, you’ll not find this is an issue for you. Anyways, even if you upload, the upload speed of ADSL is not inconvenient for you, because it’s quite fast; at least, faster than your old dial-up connection.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


One time, while I was in the class, my teacher was talking about a person’s attitude. She kept on repeating this word with different examples, but for unknown reason I didn’t get it.

Actually, I got it, but I couldn’t translate it into my native language. I think the reason behind this was her examples themselves. She was doing very well on describing what does attitude means. First, she told us that one’s attitude is mainly affected by his culture and the environment he lives within; I got from this that attitude refers to one’s mentality or thinking manner and believes. But somebody from the class said that he has the attitude that the situation out there is inconvenient; by this I started to get confused, what does attitude really mean?

After a few days I was researching the word to realized that it means one general meaning; it’s one’s settled way of thinking, which is, in other words, his believes, that control his behavior and feelings toward the surrounding environment and different situations he’d be in, and direct his path through his life.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Do you have a website? If yes; have you ever been concerned about your site traffic? Where they come from? Actually there are many sources, but this is not my subject here. What I want to talk about is that one of your site traffic sources is “search engine (organic)”. For example, if you have a site traffic analyzer, like “Google Analytics “, you probably have read within your traffic sources section that one of yours is Google (organic).

First time to read this let me lose the meaning of organic. I really forget its meaning, and had to search for it in the dictionary, just to get surprised “Oh – I know this word, I use it regularly”. But, anyway, I have the right to be confused.

And, to this moment, I still don’t know the meaning of Google (organic), until I read an article about social bookmark as a traffic source to your website. Within the article, the author said that the best traffic is an organic traffic which comes “usually” from organic search. Just at this time, I realized that organic here means the natural development and non-traffic boosters occurrence.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It’s nice when a post lead to another! I’ve talked within the previous post about the amnesia, where this is a new word for me.

Actually, I was going to write that Jason has lost his memory; knowing that this would give the very correct meaning. But amnesia is more explanatory for his real situation. He was injured; his injury caused him to lose his memory. Therefore, I ought to use a word that is illustrative.


Have you watched “The Bourne Ultimatum”? It’s the brand new movie for the star Matt Damon. If you didn’t, you’d, probably, be confused about its title; what’s its meaning?!

Don’t get yourself too much into confusion; Bourne is the name of the agent whose role played by Matt. Ultimatum means final condition, or demand the rejection of which may lead to the use of force.

The movie is about Jason Bourne, a special agent for the CIA, found him self in a total amnesia; started to search for his real identity and the truth behind what he still remember, using his exceptional intelligence and bullet alike thinking manner, which in force his ultimatum from the agency.

The movie’s categorized as an action. It’s full of mystery and action. If you’re the one who like this category, this movie worth to has less than two hours of your time.

…And, by the way, if you didn’t know the meaning of ultimatum before, you’ll never forget it.


A few days ago, I was watching a very nice movie that is romantic and humorous, “The Perfect Man” staring the beautiful actress Hilary Duff.  One of the love emotional scenes was when Holly “Hillary” was blaming her boyfriend on not breaking up with her mom, as she asked him to do, the last night on the phone, while he was pretending to be Ben; “her mother’s imaginary boyfriend”.  He interrupted her with a love kiss telling her “I was distracted … I was distracted by you”.

Oh, I loved this scene, and I loved the entire movie.

Going back to distracted word; I didn’t know this word before, and if I would be in such a situation before this, I’d say “I was confused”, or “mixed up”.  But, in fact, none of my substitutions would give the right meaning like distracted.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


First time to read this word was while configuring the settings of my blog. There’s an option within the basic page of the settings section of the blogger called “show transliteration button for your post?”, I didn’t get the meaning from this option, it didn’t work anything for me when I switch it to “yes”.

But the important was what benefit I made from reading this line, it’s a new vocabulary. Transliterate has been explained within Oxford dictionary as write (a letter or word) using the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet or language.

As a matter of fact, everybody around the word, whatever his/her native language is, write words, phrases and sometimes a complete message, by his native language using other language letters, making comparisons to reach the correct vowel sound. Especially when it comes to writing names in a different language, or naming a website or email by English letters.

Monday, October 29, 2007


It goes in front of my eyes and ears many times while reading or watching TV or a movie, but never understand it quite well, although I’ve searched for it in the dictionary and read very little about it, but never put it in mind. Until, eventually, it happened to be understood and I remind its meaning.

Actually it’s not a hard word to understand, it simply means “at the end” or “finally”, but its problem with me was its pronunciation structure. The word start with “event-“ that drive me to think about it as an “event” derived word, which always get me into confusion and the lose of the meaning.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

First Post

As always, first post is the first to start blogging. I've been always wanting to blog, but I didn't know what to blog about. I tried to blog about technical issues I read about, but I didn't start to blog to continue. Actually, I'm founding a problem when it comes to writing, 'cause I'm not a writer, and I don't write much, I don't even know what to write even if I have a subject to write about. This was the main reason behind the unsuccessful technical blogging. So I decided to copy others writings, but of course with keeping their copyrights by leaving a back-link for the main source I've snipped the subject from. But I failed again, but this time because I don't read much.
Now, fortunately, I found a good stuff to write about; it's what I'm learning. As my major interest, mean while, is about learning English, which "I think" I'm good at, I still need to learn extra and extra words. So, I decided to write about each new word I learn.
But I don't know, maybe I'll write about something else one day. No one can tell.