
Sunday, October 28, 2007

First Post

As always, first post is the first to start blogging. I've been always wanting to blog, but I didn't know what to blog about. I tried to blog about technical issues I read about, but I didn't start to blog to continue. Actually, I'm founding a problem when it comes to writing, 'cause I'm not a writer, and I don't write much, I don't even know what to write even if I have a subject to write about. This was the main reason behind the unsuccessful technical blogging. So I decided to copy others writings, but of course with keeping their copyrights by leaving a back-link for the main source I've snipped the subject from. But I failed again, but this time because I don't read much.
Now, fortunately, I found a good stuff to write about; it's what I'm learning. As my major interest, mean while, is about learning English, which "I think" I'm good at, I still need to learn extra and extra words. So, I decided to write about each new word I learn.
But I don't know, maybe I'll write about something else one day. No one can tell.