
Saturday, November 10, 2007


Winter’s on door in my country, it’s starting to be cold out-there. We used to change beds’ covers on winter to quilts for warmer and comforter sleep night.

Past time, in the old days, my mother used to make quilt from blanket as padding, covering it with very smooth fabric. Sound strange a bit, doesn’t it? Quilts, usually, are made from soft padding like woven cotton or wool, and have beautiful embroideries, but she has another idea about quilts.

As a matter of fact, those days weren’t the days of handmade quilts anymore; they were the days of readymade blankets. But washing a blanket is a very hard job; therefore, covering it with fabric will keep it from dirt, so, by this way she gets quilts. At the end of winter, she removes the covering fabrics off the blanket to wash it, therefore, she never embroider a quilt to keep removing the covers off an easy job.